Thursday, January 29, 2009

If you have bad news, you'd better tell me today!

So, I have been working out every single day. I do weight training twice a week, and cardio every day. If I can't get to the gym for cardio, I make sure and get outside and walk. I wear my heart monitor so I can set my pace right.

Well, Tuesday, I had a dentist appointment for a check-up and cleaning. I mentioned how my crown has been bothering me. It has been giving me an earache and sore throat type of feeling. Well they scheduled me for a root canal immediately. So I found myself at the endodontist yesterday morning getting a root canal instead of the gym. Unfortunately that was the only time I had to work-out. The twins had their 1 yr check-up with 3 shots each after that. They have been cranky, fussy and running fevers ever since. They just want me to hold them. I know that is normal and to be expected, but man I really missed my workout. I am on edge. I think I have gotten addicted to it. With them running fevers, I can't take them to the gym's child watch. So I have to wait until Olivia gets home from school, so she can watch the kids for me. I am just clock watching until it's time to pick her up. I guess this must be how a junkie feels when they need a fix. If it wasn't so freaking cold outside, I put the kids in the wagon and go. (Can't really use the stroller for all three, and Cole just doesn't like the speed walking thing.)

The good news is even though my jaw is sore from the root canal, it stills so much better than the earache that I have had for the last 8 months. I had been to about 5 different doctors trying to figure out that damn pain. Not one suggested I go see a dentist, that maybe it was being caused by a tooth. Oh well. At least between working out regularly and the pain gone, I feel about 10 years younger! I actually feel so damn good, I can't even be mad.

Oh. I have also hit a plateau. Betsy told me it would happen, but it also still sucks. I still feel so good, I can't be mad about it. TMI ALERT: As if the root canal and the twins shots weren't enough on the same day, I also started my period. What do I do? Instead of being upset, pissed or hormonal, I am tickled because I actually had a normal 28 day cycle. I don't think I have ever done that in my life. It has got to be the regular exercise and diet.

So I guess if you want to piss me off, today would be the day. I'd probably just laugh it off anyway.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Am I a Masochist?

Working out with Betsy is a little like Sadism and Masochism. You know, S and M, but without all the leather and bondage gear. I think she may get a little too much enjoyment out of my pain. Oddly enough, I keep going back for more. I noticed she watches my face intensely for a reaction when she shows me a new exercise to do. I must be very expressive, I know she is secretly trying to kill me and it must show. She has me doing exercises that I didn't know was possible for my body to do. I have got to say though, she really, really knows what she is doing. I have been giving it my all and I have lost 5 lbs already. (Yeah me!)

With the kids being sick this week, I wasn't able to get to the gym for cardio and have been doing it at home in the evenings. I still made my sessions with her and obviously it has been effective, but I missed going to the Y everyday. It makes me feel special and worthy when I go (queue Dana Carvey.) The time, it's all about me. Plus, I'm guaranteed to get a shower, which in a normal day is no small feat!

Back to Betsy, I know how tough and intimidating she looks. She could kick my butt in a heartbeat. (Wait, she already does. Twice a week, at that!) But underneath the toughness, she is a very genuine person. What you see is what you get. I absolutely adore her.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

What is that smell?!

I have come to a conclusion. I am responsible for too many booties. Six to be exact, two of them I don't wipe but I do still have to pick up the poo: Cole, Sean, Katie, Bandit, Princess and my own. 6! I realized this because it is on my daily checklist of things to do. Making sure everyone has pooed for the day, and if not breaking out the apple juice or fiber bars.

"Mom! Come wipe my booty!"

"Cole, you need to learn to wipe it yourself."

"I can't do it!"

"You can, see you take the tissue like this and wipe from front to back. See, it's that easy."

"Mom. There is still poo on my butt."

"No there is not. Pull your pants up, flush the potty and wash your hands."

"Mom. There is poo on my butt."

"Cole, bend over and touch your toes. See, there is no poo on your butt and if you are going to be that critical of my butt wiping skills, then you really need to be wiping your own booty!"

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Honest Scrap

So I have been tagged for a meme! I must say I am truly sorry to the others who have tagged me before, that I am responding this time and not when you tagged me. I wasn't trying to dis you. (Do people still say dis?) I just never knew what meme's were before and didn't know how to respond/participate. So I am with it now, I think? (dis, with it... I'm trying to hard, aren't I)

Helene at I'm Living Proof that God has a Sense of Humor tagged me! This is what it is:

a) first list 10 honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep!
b) pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap.

Let me dust off my brain and find something interesting about me.... Umm. Nope nothing....Okay some random facts will have to do....

1) I hate writing! Yep. Crazy enough, even though I blog for therapy and am now blogging on 2 sites, I hate writing. I have always thought of myself as a math person, and fear someone is going to call me out for the phony that I am with "this blogging thing."

2) I learned how to Rock Climb to get over my fear of heights. That is when I learned, I'm not afraid of heights. I am afraid of falling. BIG difference, especially when you realize it 200 ft above on a ledge that is about 2 inches deep, just big enough for your big toes.

3) I love the way Alex smells. I love it in the morning when he first gets out of the shower. It a mix of soap, toothpaste, shaving cream and his cologne. I love the way he smells after he has been outside working up a sweat and it's just his scent coming through, even without deodorant. I just breathe him in whenever I hug him.

4) I have a crazy ant phobia. I can handles spiders, snakes, whatever. Ants put me over the edge. I try to hide it in front of the kids, since it appeared I was passing on my crazy to them. There are pictures of me at 3 years old stomping on ants. I have always had nightmares about being smothered by ants and eaten alive.

5) I don't chew gum anymore. If I do chew a piece, I have nightmares about it that night. I think it goes back to when I had braces and it would get stuck in my braces. My nightmares are usually the same. The gum is stuck in my mouth and I can't get it out. I'm trying to talk and no one can understand me. As I pull the gum out, it gets stuck in my teeth and as I pull it out, it grows bigger and bigger.

6) I love chaos. I always thought I was a 'neat and orderly' type person. I'm not, I just didn't know myself very well. I have 3 young kids, my teenage niece, 2 dogs and my husband. I love when we have friends and family over and it really gets so chaotic then. You can put me in the kitchen cooking for everyone with the kids running around and underfoot, and I am happy as a clam. (hmm, are clams really happy?) I've have been trying unsuccessfully for fish or a bird. It is just too much for Alex. I think I have him at his breaking point already.

7) I feel guilty when I have any 'me' time. I have started working out and I have my blogs. I feel selfish by having these. I know they are a necessity to keep me sane so I have something to give, but I feel guilty none-the-less.

8) I like things even. Almost a little OC about it. If Alex gives me a kiss, I need a second one to make it even. Or if Cole kisses me on the cheek, he has to kiss me on the other cheek too, to be even. Even numbers and even sides. I want another baby so the family will be even, (Alex thinks I am totally nuts for that one!).

9) Confessions: I, sometimes, take the batteries out of toys that are really loud and obnoxious and tell Cole the batteries are dead or the toy is broke. (I like chaos? Didn't I just write that?) I sometimes move the clock up 10 minutes, so I can get Cole to bed if it's been a rough day.

10) I talk alot. I love to listen to others and about their lives, but I am afraid if I ask too many questions, I am prying. I don't know how to get people to tell me more about them, without seeming like I am playing 20 questions. So I sometimes start off a conversation about myself hoping they will turn around and talk about themselves. This doesn't always work, and I feel let down. I think that is why I love reading other people's blogs. They are sharing their lives with me. I love it!

I'm tagging:

Sara My Sippy Cup Runneth Over

Supermom The Adventures of Supermom

TwinMama Bringing Up Twins

Staci Momma's Gone Over The Wall

Denise The Not-So-Secret Life of Reagan's Mom
Here are the rules for the recipients:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs which show great Attitude and/or Gratitude!
3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Mean People Suck!!!

Why do some people just feel the need to tear others down. Is that really how they makes themselves feel good? I know I always feel terrible when I may have said something to hurt some one's feelings.

Today was the big day! My picture of my FAT self was posted in the paper. Now before you go saying, "Ugh, there is another person putting herself down." That was the point of the article. It was a 'before' shot. I am working very hard on the 'after' shot. But being that this is the technical age, of course the pictures are online too, where dumb jerks have got to make their comments and make you feel bad. I'm not going to let it get to me.

I know the reason I am fat, fertility drugs, twin pregnancy, not eating properly and not exercising. This is not an excuse, it is a statement. The first year with twins, you put yourself on the back-burner. Right or wrong, it happens. The important part is realizing you are not taking care of yourself and doing something about it. So for all you "Anonymous" people out there making degrading remarks.....Put up or Shut Up!

Monday, January 5, 2009


I am waiting for the twins to wake up from their nap and just feel so motivated! I have so much on my to-do list and I am ready to tackle it. I had my first session with my trainer today. I was so nervous last night worrying about this morning. I could barely make myself eat, but knew I must. Will. Need. Energy. Crazy. Trainer! So got the kids dressed, fed, Olivia to school, myself showered (yes before I worked out! can't go in there and sweat when you already stinky!) and was there by 8:15 this morning for an 8:30 session. Wow I did it! Now just to work out!

Whoops, should've brought my cell phone with me. Trainer Betsy called twice this morning to let me know the renovation isn't complete and there won't be any equipment to work out on. Hmm. Slight problem. Well the staff called her since I was there, and Betsy, so sweet, came in and we did a health/medication assessment and talked about my food journal. So I didn't actually work out, per se. But she told me not to worry, we will still fit all of our sessions in this week. (GREAT! Can you hear the sarcasm dripping in my voice? No, well it's there. Trust me.)

Well at least I am motivated to take down the Christmas decorations (seriously!), clean out the van (annual chore. how old is that fry?), and go grocery shopping. That is grocery shopping at 3 different stores, thank you trainer Betsy! I guess that is her plan for making sure I get all my cardio in. Send a lady with 3 small children to 3 different stores, PLUS the regular errands....

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Year's Revolution

Happy New Year! Oh wait, that was yesterday's news. Along with a New Year, comes the "New Year's Revolution." Yep, you heard me right. Revolution! For me, this year, I can't just resolve to lose weight and get healthy. I need a Revolution; blood, tears and sweat will abound. The battleground will be the YMCA and I will follow my fearless leader, Betsy. She has fought this battle before, she has won the war herself and many have followed in her path. I am just the latest to fight the Revolution. I am grateful to have a skilled leader to follow. I, like so many others, have fought the battle and lost. I realize I will still be the one fighting the battle, but I hope having Betsy there to show me the way and give me the encouragement I need, I will win not just the battle of losing weight, but win the war to being healthy again. It is the biggest gift I can give my family.

I start training on Monday officially. I think I have my mindset ready. I look at everything I put into my mouth as energy. I need to make sure I take in enough energy, but take in too much and I'll be on the treadmill forever! So Alex, do me a favor please? Would you finish all the Christmas chocolates around the house so I don't have to look at them anymore?